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Labour Relations program of Faculty of Labour Relations and Trade Unions, Ton Duc Thang University meets the accreditation standards of FIBAA

In November 2021, the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA) officially recognized and granted the Quality Seal for Labour Relations - an undergraduate program of Faculty of Labour Relations and Trade Unions, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU). The FIBAA accreditation is valid for a period of 5 years (2021-2026).


Picture on accrediation day


Picture of Program Accrediation

In order to continuously improve and enhance the quality of the Bachelor of Labour Relations training program according to FIBAA standards, the Faculty annually makes improvements and reports the results of improvements after major assessment to the Council of FIBAA. In 2023, the Faculty continues to improve the connection between theory and practice when students do internship at the enterprises, increase the proportion of students doing theses to enhance research activities at the University, and provide clear information about internship content and regulations for students, supplementing learning materials at the library, encouraging teaching for students in English and encouraging lecturers to conduct scientific research and study PhD.

FIBAA is the quality assurance organization of the Swiss Government and is established to promote quality and transparency in education and science by awarding a “quality seal” to programs which are accredited and certified to meet its standards. The FIBAA accreditation certification is one of the most prestigious and widely recognized in Europe and around the world. Graduates of the FIBAA-accredited programs will have favorable conditions for job applications and further study in Europe and many other countries.